*New* Rainforest Shadow Box (Hunter & Gatherer’s)





“A Unique & Authentic Piece “


Rainforest Shadow Box 


The Shadowbox represents and highlights our connection to our land and sea country, physically and spiritually. The traditional artefacts attached to the Shadowbox are an important part of our culture and traditional history as rainforest and saltwater people.

These artefacts connects us to the rainforest because they are made from the basic raw materials, that we access. But it is also connects us to the sea because of the tools and weapons we make from the rainforest. This helps us to hunt for food on the reefs.

The boomerang, clapsticks and spear are used for hunting. Both dancing ceremonies that is sacred.

The shadow box is of belief to our people is a representation of ‘Good Luck’. Bringing us many blessings.


Timber: Black Wattle / Black Walnut

Hand Crafted & Made By: Garth Murgha (Muka)

Artist: Estelle Tranby (Yoongali)

Artwork Description: Hunter & Gatherer’s)

Additional information

Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 75 × 40 × 50 cm